Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a concept that combines a rapid transition to sustainable energy to help keep global warming as low as possible – the Green part – with social justice action, not only to fund the initiatives but also to guarantee living wage jobs and truly affordable, quality health care – the New Deal part.

At this point, it has not been formalized as legislation, but there are plans to have a Congressional committee to study all the components and put them together into a viable bill, if not for the current iteration of Congress, perhaps the next.

Time is of the essence, as recent scientific reports both from the US and internationally have made clear that the next 10-12 years are critical in keeping climate change impacts from becoming catastrophic. We know that we are already experiencing some disturbing impacts and that there is no currently known way to fully reverse those changes. We also know that the United States has had very high carbon emissions over the last century and a half and, therefore, carries a major obligation to cut emissions quickly and to make major contributions to help our country and the international community to adapt to climate change impacts. The Green New Deal looks to be a powerful aid to doing that.

Yesterday, I was part of a group visiting our local Congressional office to deliver petitions and discuss the Green New Deal. Our representative, Anthony Brindisi, just took office last month, so we wanted to let him know that climate change, good-paying and secure jobs, renewable energy, labor rights, regenerative agriculture, and environmental and economic justice are important to many of his constituents.

The staff member with whom we spoke was very attentive and let us gather and talk in the office. This was a stark contrast to our former representative who did not want us gathering even outside the building where the office is and called the police to remove us, which they didn’t do because we were on public property and not blocking passersby.

We are hopeful that this will be the first of several visits and meetings to engage with Rep. Brindisi and his staff. We think that the Green New Deal concepts will help the people of our district, as well as the rest of the country and the world.

Update:  You can read the Green New Deal Congressional resolution text here.

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

10 thoughts on “Green New Deal”

  1. Thank you for attending to support this effort and for writing this thoughtful, well-crafted, succinct essay on our visit to hand in petitions and back them up with our heartfelt worries on Climate Change and encouragement for Rep. Anthony Brindisi to support a Green New Deal! I was the one with the big sign that I have carried to many protests starting with the fight to prevent fracking in NY, to stop the Constitution Pipeline, and against CPV gas-fired power plant construction in Wawayanda, NY, etc. I would encourage you to also share this essay on Rep. Anthony Brindisi’s Facebook timeline. Thank you! Valdi Weiderpass

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for all you do, Valdi. I so appreciated hearing you and all the speakers. I almost spoke about the similarities between the Green New Deal and Pope Francis’s concept of integral ecology from his encyclical Laudato Si’ but thought it might be too esoteric/spiritual in a group setting. Rep. Brindisi and I are both Catholic, but I don’t know if he has ever studied the encyclical, which was actually written for “all people of good will” in advance of the Paris accord. I also admit that I am a better writer than speaker and talking in front of a group with a livestream going on was a bit more than I could handle…


  2. I’m wishful that some kind of meaningful legislation will come of this, but also pessimistically doubtful. The amount of hate this has gotten from the right, despite the fact that their is almost nothing even remotely controversial in the resolution proposed to Congress has me wondering how a bill with actual substance is going to get passed.

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    1. I think it is likely not to be rolled into one giant bill but that some parts of it may be able to pass and be implemented. It may take another session of Congress to pass some parts of it, but, like other landmark programs, like Social Security and Medicare, it may take more than one try to get them through. Given how time critical the climate piece is and the fact that income inequality is at 1920s kind of levels, it’s good to get started now rather than waiting.

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      1. I agree that the conversation needs to start now, but I think meaningful legislation won’t get passed until 2020, and only then if Trump gets removed from the White House and Dems maintain enough control in the house while gaining some seats in the Senate. I think it’s possible, but I also think it’s far from a sure thing.

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