SoCS: an excuse to eat butter

There was a long period in the US where the dietary advice was to avoid fat, especially animal fat, in our diets. During that time, I didn’t each much butter.

This was sad!

More recently, the recommendations have changed somewhat, so I do use more butter now.

I especially like homemade bread with butter. The usual butter that I use for spreading is a spread made of grass-fed cow-milk butter and a bit of oil to keep it from being too hard.

We also keep both salted and unsalted butter for cooking and baking. B has recently discovered that his family’s shortbread recipe comes out much better using unsalted butter. I ran across an article that explained why; it has to do with the moisture content difference between salted and unsalted butter. The recipe is so old that it didn’t specify the type of butter, but may have gone back to the day when people made their own butter, which likely would have been unsalted. The recipe does call for a bit of salt. Other than that, the only ingredients are flour and a small amount of sugar.

Shortbreads are basically an excuse to eat butter, and a very delicious excuse at that!

Linda’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week is “butter.” Join us! Find out more here:

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

10 thoughts on “SoCS: an excuse to eat butter”

  1. When I was a small child, the war was going on, and butter was rationed. I loved butter. I loved some butter smeared on my finger and licked off. My father was not able to eat butter, so there was another measured pat to share among the family. Sticking a finger into butter was a sacrilege and a waste! Butter must be spread very thinly onto something else. That was pretty much the consensus of opinion, in order to get the most out of it. I on the other hand regarded that as contaminating the butter, and eventually my Mother was able to convince my Father that to give me a share of his pat to do with as I chose was not a wasteful thing to do.

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