SoCS: drinking problem

I have a drinking problem.

But probably not the kind you are thinking of…

Because I have a condition called interstitial cystitis, also known as painful bladder syndrome, I can’t drink a lot of things that most people do.

Some, like coffee, are not a hardship for me to not drink because I don’t really like them. Same with black tea.

I do wish I could drink green tea, though. I can drink some herbal teas.

Soda and other carbonated things are no-nos!

Fruit juices are problematic as they are too acidic. I need to dilute them or take pills to counteract the acidity.

I do drink milk sometimes, but have had to give up one of my favorite drinks, hot cocoa, as chocolate is another irritant.

What I drink most of the time is water.

Which is safe, but a bit boring.

Oh, well.

Wells do bring us water…

(And, for the record, I don’t drink alcohol.)
Linda’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week is “drink.” Come join us! Find out how here:


SoCS badge 2015


Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

10 thoughts on “SoCS: drinking problem”

  1. Yay for water! It’s what God and Mother Nature made for us. We were designed for water. Just wondering, still in a SOC mode, can you eat watermelon? How about water infused, if that’s the correct word, with fruits and vegetables in a pitcher? I enjoyed water that had cucumber and kiwi slices floating in it.

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