One-Liner Wednesday: facts

“Alternative facts” = Lies

This one-liner, which distresses me to have to write about my own country, is part of Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday and Just Jot It January series. Join us! Find out how here:

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Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

8 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday: facts”

    1. This first week has been so alarming that it is hard to imagine what will be next. There are some alarming news items coming out of Russia, though, that may be related to the US election. *shudder*


          1. We’re all connected. And if you really look at it with a positive spin, his detractors are uniting in ways they never have before in the effort to fight him. So ironic. But it gives me hope. đŸ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I am definitely heartened by the outpouring of energy in opposition to DT’s policies. Pressure is working on some fronts. It’s difficult because there are so many issues that are problematic that it is impossible to bring pressure on all of them.


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