SoCS: Cookie Monster

When her daddy was here in August, ABC started doing crafts with him – or, at least, she was crafting-adjacent.

One of the things they made was Cookie Monster’s head, made from a white paper plate painted blue with big eyes and mouth made of construction paper and glued on.

It’s pretty adorable!

Before he went back to London, E, L, and ABC went on a trip to Sesame Place. There, ABC got to see the characters perform, as well as go on rides and to the water park. She loved it! It was nice for them to get to go on a little family vacation, something that will get much easier once E’s visa comes and they finally get together permanently in the UK.

We will have to figure out what to pack for ABC for London. I think one thing that will get to go with her will be the (incredibly soft) Cookie Monster that they brought home as a souvenir from Sesame Place. It is a special edition for the 50th anniversary of Sesame Street this year. Of course, there will be Sesame Street in the UK, too, but Cookie Monster will be a wonderful reminder of her US home where Sesame Street began.
Linda’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week is to write about the first blue object we see when we sit down to write. Join us! You can find out more here:

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

6 thoughts on “SoCS: Cookie Monster”

  1. Our whole family loved Sesame Street when the kids were little. What a wonderful show! My son had a stuffed “Big Bird” that he took to day care with him for comfort. He’s in his 30s now and that same Big Bird was rescued from the attic and lives in his daughter’s room. Thank you for these sweet memories!

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    1. You’re welcome! Sesame Street was a staple on television when my daughters were little, as well as the source of many singalongs with cassette tapes or at the piano. It has changed a lot over 50 years as more and more research has been done and as the show has become geared for a slightly younger age group. Much of Sesame Street is now experienced online. The television show is only 30 minutes now and the episodes air first on HBO and then later on PBS. I admit that the change to HBO makes me sad, but the show probably wouldn’t have made it to fifty years without their financial backing.

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      1. I wondered why it was only 30 minutes when I watched it with my granddaughter. Well, I’m glad it’s still around. Back when my kids were little was when Maria and Luis were dating. If one of us parents missed an episode, we’d ask the other parent what happened with Maria and Luis. They were like extended family.

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