SoCS: notes and notes

As a musician, I think first of musical notes. How many thousands of them have I seen in piano or organ scores, choral music, hymnals, study scores, the Sesame Street Songbook still sitting on my piano, even with no little ones around?

Of course, I think of written notes, too. I still write myself reminder notes or notes to leave on the kitchen counter for the rest of the family when I need to go out. I used to write long-hand notes to people quite a lot, although many of those have been replaced by email at this point.

Does email still qualify as a note?
Linda’s prompt from Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week is “note.” Join us! Find out more here:

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

8 thoughts on “SoCS: notes and notes”

  1. I write lots of reminder notes to myself, too. As for Sesame Street, I often find myself singing the theme song: “Sunny Day, chasin the clouds away…..” I think it’s sweet that you have the songbook there.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There are some great songs that were written for Sesame Street. We took the book off the shelf last spring when our granddaughters visited from the UK and I’ve left it on the music stand, even though we have no idea when they will next be able to visit.

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      1. The songbook waiting for them on the piano is an invitation, a hope, and maybe a way of manifesting that they will visit soon and will be remain close to your hearts.

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            1. Thanks, JoAnna. We do meet up virtually but the time difference is challenging. There’s a lot of change going on on both sides of the Atlantic right now but maybe we will be able to visit there before the end of the year.

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  2. There’s such a wide range of notes — musical notes that are about shared energy and beauty, notes to the self to stay on track, notes to others to let you know you’re thinking of them. What a wonderful prompt!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Devon! Linda posts a new prompt at every Friday, if you ever want to join in the fun. Because it’s stream of consciousness, it’s quick to do and you can write on Friday and schedule for Saturday, if that fits better. Although it’s not as if you didn’t have enough to keep you busy already!


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