SoCS – “Body”

This post is part of SoCS: . If you visit the link, there are rules for joining in. Please do – and share!

There are “extra points” for linking this post with Independence Day yesterday, so the first thing that comes to mind is the body politic.

Ours in the US is very messed up right now. I wrote a post about it yesterday – (Happy) Independence Day! 

There is also body of work, of which this post is a very small sample.

Small, and rambling, but that is how the conscious streams!

At the moment, my body is settled into my maroon recliner and feeling a bit tired, as it is 3:24 AM. I did sleep some and hope to sleep a bit more before other people start to get up.

Hope every”body” else has a good day!

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

9 thoughts on “SoCS – “Body””

  1. Clever post! And extra points to you too! Not sure what good the points are, but still, points are points. Haha!
    Thanks very much for joining in SoCS, Joanne. 😀


    1. LOL – Not sure if I was being clever or punchy under the circumstances, but I’ll take the compliment and the points! Thank you for the opportunity for SoCS and connecting with other bloggers. I already have found some new blogs to follow and have gained a few new followers myself.


  2. I love the prompts, although I personally have not participated in one since January (through Linda’s page) I really appreciate the way that they connect people (my connection with you is a perfect example)

    If it weren’t for Linda’s blog we’d have never have encountered.

    Also.. I was lying awake very early this morning thinking the same thing, Plleeeaasseee let me get some more sleep before everyone else wakes up (then there is no chance)



    1. It seems many bloggers have trouble sleeping. Or maybe it is just lots of adults have trouble sleeping…

      Many of the blogs that I follow are ones I found through other bloggers and their commenters. I tend to follow other blogs like ours that don’t stick to one topic, although I do have some that concentrate on one thing.


Any thoughts? Please share.