A new look

I’m trying out WordPress’s 2016 theme. I had been using Plane, but decided to give this new theme a go.

You don’t have to look at a header image of the top of my head!

I like that my tagline is more readable now, but I wish the title font was larger.

This theme does meet my main criteria for readability, black print in an easy to read font on a white background.

What do you think? Please let me know in the comments section.

With thanks,

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

16 thoughts on “A new look”

    1. It is supposed to be easiest to read black on white. My husband and another tech savvy friend told me I should stick with that to cur down on eyestrain. I have noticed that it is more difficult to read tesxt with a dark background.


    1. Thanks for the comment and link, Tric. I may go back to my original header showing part of our bookshelves and mantel, but I need a clearer shot with enough pixels that I can crop it to 1200×280. I will probably refine from showing off the top of my head again.


    1. I may be able to get a new header photo in. The problem is that it needs to be short and wide and I don’t have many photos that can be cropped to fit that proportion. I don’t see a way to make a larger font, although there is an option for a logo. Do I know how to make a logo? Of course not, but I may experiment.

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    1. Thanks for the suggestion. Unlike you, I am extremely inexperienced in working with images – and also paranoid about inadvertently violating copyright, so I usually use my own images when I do venture into using photos.

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      1. Well there’s plenty of nature out there in the world to photo, and those images are often even more interesting when cropped. Just take a bunch of photos and try them; I’m sure you can come up with one you like. Serendipity is a beautiful thing!

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        1. One thing that will be different with this theme is that the header image won’t have the text across it as it did with my old theme. It might be easier for serendipity to work. 😉 Thanks so much for your help!

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  1. The 2016 theme is pretty good and I like the new look.

    I also use the Plane theme though I don’t think that I would change my theme anytime soon. I have tried all, yes, I mean all the free themes available but only the Plane theme suited my needs.

    My blog name and tagline are written in my header image so I actually hide them in my theme 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for commenting! Who knows? I may wind up going back to Plane. I had a bit of problem with my header there, too. My tagline was in thin blue script that didn’t show up very well over the photo.

      I’m actually about to play with some images from my photos on my computer, so we’ll see if I have a new header photo posted later today or not.

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Any thoughts? Please share.