
Yesterday, for the first time in years, I walked through a jetway at the Binghamton Airport. Not because I haven’t flown from there in years, but because we got to fly on a small Delta jet, rather than a turboprop. United and US Air/American, both of whom have abandoned BGM, had been flying turboprops which meant that passengers had to go out on the tarmac and enter via stairs.  It was nice to be flying with Delta, which gives you free snacks, even on short flights; they were on time, efficient, and friendly.

We flew to Detroit, then on to Kansas City, rented a car, and drove to Clinton, Missouri – and finally got to see daughter T who is working here for the Department of Conservation, as part of a study of the effects of fire on prairie plants.

It was great to see her and receive one of her fantastic hugs!

She had to work today, so B and I explored the town a bit.

“Great People, By Nature”
Just in time for Easter!


A new look

I’m trying out WordPress’s 2016 theme. I had been using Plane, but decided to give this new theme a go.

You don’t have to look at a header image of the top of my head!

I like that my tagline is more readable now, but I wish the title font was larger.

This theme does meet my main criteria for readability, black print in an easy to read font on a white background.

What do you think? Please let me know in the comments section.

With thanks,

SoCS: flying

I used to like to fly. The first time I flew I was in my early twenties and I loved looking out the window at all the landforms I had studied in geology and the clouds I had studied in meteorology. Those were also the days when checked baggage was free and so were snacks and meals. I even remember getting hot towels to freshen up at the end of a long flight – and this was in coach, not first class.

Now, I don’t like flying as much. Flights are really packed and service is  – ummm – let’s say spotty. For example, on my recent flight back to NYS from Hawai’i we had blankets for the flight over the ocean in the afternoon but no blankets for the overnight flight from LAX to Philly. The airline sent me an email to order food for that flight, except they don’t serve food that late at night. Originally, I had a morning flight into Binghamton from Philly, but the airline cancelled it so I was in Philly for five and half hours before getting to come home in the afternoon.

I guess in a way it is lucky that I don’t fly very often. Less to complain about and more money for my bank account.
Linda’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week is: “fly/flies/flew/flu/flue.”  Join us!  Find out how here:


New Theme

I am trying out a new theme for my blog today. It’s name is Plane. I’d welcome any thoughts you may want to share about it. My main concern, as always, is that it be easy for people to read. Thanks for weighing in!  (Comment link above post title on home page or below post if you are looking at a post individually.)