SoCS: ups and (mostly) downs

When I saw that Linda’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week was “up/down”, I knew that I needed to write a follow-up to last week’s SoCS in which I talked about my father (Paco) and his recent fall, hospitalization, and move to a rehab facility.

When I wrote last Saturday, it seemed that, though there was a long way to go, things were trending up.

Everything changed on Sunday when new complications arose. For various reasons, I will not even attempt to elaborate.

Let’s just say it has been a very “down” week.

We are working hard at untangling a mass of symptoms and trying to keep him safe and comfortable, but it’s an uphill battle. I know he is 96 and so, very vulnerable and prone to complicating factors but it is still so hard to deal with.

And to watch.

I know intellectually that I am doing all that is possible for me to help him and his care team, but my heart aches because I can’t make it better.

We have no idea what the outcome will be. It’s not just one day at a time, which is Paco’s favorite saying. It’s one hour at a time. One moment. One more early morning phone call telling me that he fell again during the night.

There are up moments here and there. When Paco easily remembers my name. When he gets to enjoy a slice of blueberry pie for dessert at lunch. When he manages to make a little joke with his aides.

I had planned to go to vigil mass today at a friend’s church, but was too tired to make the drive, so I went to a nearby church instead. I was blessed to see Sister A. there. She had been one of the stalwart visitors during my mother’s final illness, a span that stretched over two years. Because of the pandemic and other circumstances, I had not seen her in months. I was able to fill her in on Paco’s condition and she assured me that she has been lifting him up in prayer.

After such a “down” week, that assurance was a much-needed balm.

Join us for Linda’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday! Find out more here:

Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

13 thoughts on “SoCS: ups and (mostly) downs”

  1. I love that you included the up moments, too. Please take care of yourself – maybe have some blueberry pie. Prayers and good thoughts for peace, healing, and comfort are on the way! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, JoAnna. As you were writing this comment, I was back at the ER with my dad where they treated him for dehydration. They also discovered three new lumbar fractures, probably caused by an additional fall in the last week. They were able to send him back to the rehab facility at about 3 AM and I got to head home and catch a bit of sleep.


      1. I’m glad you got some sleep. You’re doing everything you can and need to take care of yourself. Hopefully the rehab facility will keep a closer watch on his hydration after this.

        Liked by 1 person

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