SoCS: High/low

Serendipity is a wonderful thing. When I saw Linda’s prompt for this week, I knew I had to take a few moments to post.

My life has been all about highs and lows lately.

There is this post, “High/low“.

And this post, “Low/high“.

And life is continuing in that vein. Baby ABC is thriving, as Nana becomes more tired and weaker. Nana does have some times that are higher energy than others, though, and it is a huge blessing for all of us to be able to visit often. Of course, ABC steals the show whenever she is there!

Everyone needs a high and spending time with a precious new life is one of the best highs there can be.

It makes the lows more bearable.
Linda’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday this week is high/low. Join us! Find out how here: 


Author: Joanne Corey

Please come visit my eclectic blog, Top of JC's Mind. You can never be sure what you'll find!

9 thoughts on “SoCS: High/low”

    1. They are! I had forgotten how quickly they develop over the early weeks. ABC is two months old today, although it seems much longer. Unfortunately, L will have to return to the UK on Saturday. Visa policy is a real pain.


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